
Can i become a victim of identity theft if i provide my name, address, an date of birth on web.?

by  |  earlier

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  1. You CAN be a victim of identity theft, PERIOD.  Providing personal information on-line increases the odds.

  2. very easily.

  3. To know more about  

    Identity Theft                  

    please feel free to visit

  4. Yes, you can.  If you have already done this, you might consider getting Identity Theft insurance.

  5. You're inviting trouble if you are providing personal information on an unsecure site.

  6. You might also want to upgrade your anti-virus/security software on your computer, in case of key loggers or whatnot

    PS. You don't need to put a full stop if you end a sentence with a question mark

    EG Right -> What is this?/ What is this.? <- Wrong

  7. Yes you can.  Just remember the basics when giving out your personal info over the web.  Make sure it is a site that you know.  You want to see https:// at the beginning of the web page.  This means that it is supposed to be a secure site.

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