
Can i boost my credit score up 100 points.

by Guest32149  |  earlier

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ok so i have poor credit like 565, but when i went to check on my credit last month it said it was a 450 because of my high balance on my credit card, so i went in and paid my 500 credit card and now the balance is 150 (i am saving up to pay the rest of the 150). will this make my credit score go back up? and another thing is that i just got a car 5 months ago will that help my credit score go up if i pay EVERY payment on time? me and my husband are looking to buy a house in 7 months and you have to have at least a 600 to get a house, is there anyways i would get my credit score up. the only mark i have on my credit was a credit card i had when i was 18, its a long story but i am not going to pay it because they wont take it off my credit, the balance was originally 250 but now it is 890 because of interest. ugh...sorry trying to give all the info so i can get some advice, i have been very good the past two years so if i keep the way i am going will my score go up when i need it to?????




  1. You can realistically  bring your score up from 565 to 600 but I'm not sure you can bring it up 100 points to 665 in only 6-7 months.

    Yes, definitely pay everything on time every time.

    Just up and deciding not to pay off your credit card that is actively gaining huge interest may not be an option and potential lenders may require that all outstanding debt is satisfied first. Remember that not paying won't necessarily make it go away. If they decide to sue you for the credit card, you can kiss getting a home goodbye.

  2. Your credit is poor because of the bill you refuse to pay.  If you want to buy that house, you better pay that bill.  THEY will take it off your credit once you paid it... and a couple of years have passed to show that all bills during that period have been paid with 0 months delinquent.  

  3. go to credit or google credit .

  4. No, there is no easy way to boost your score.

    If you have other bad debt or derogatory accounts then your score will not improve much doing this. However, the more credit you have with less of a debt and no derogatory or late payments the higher your score will be. The higher the credit the lower the debt. :)

    Dont let your balance on any one card stay over 30% of the total available credit for that account.

    I am struggling this year to bring my score up to 600 as well. I started out at 530 in Jan (with 4 derogatory accounts and endless late payments). I have succeeded in making payments on time and paying off 4 old credit cards (all over $1000 each) and one derogatory account and my score is now at 580. That took me all this year but I still have derogatory accounts. It takes alot of work at paying those bills off to get your score up. It can be beneficial for you to open up another credit card with a high limit but only if you are good about repaying the balance and don't max out the card.


    Everyone keeps saying don't open another credit card or your score will drop. They are dead wrong.

    I opened a credit card which I have to pay a yearly fee for because my credit is so bad. The limit is only $300 but it INCREASED my credit score by 30 points when I did it. I have also talked to financial advisors about this and having 2 active open credit cards on your history with no more then 30% of your credit being used up by debt WILL help you. It is natural to have some debt and nearly impossible to not have any. It just takes time to build a good credit history. Just remember, one late payment even if it is 30 days will hurt you so the key is to keep making at least the minimum monthly payment.

  5. Each DIGIT in your score stands for cannot bring your score up overnight, it takes time.   Your score can most certainly go up. Definitely pay all bills on time.  EVEN if a credit card is paid off, do not close the account right away.  That makes it look like you have available credit, and can help raise the score.  Pay off collections, don't go over your credit limits.

  6. Read this article list several tips on improving your credit score,

  7. Keep paying every bill on time, every time

    DO NOT take out, even submit for any credit card, even a store or gas card - it will LOWER your score by at least 10-20 pts every time.

    If you will continue to work at it, your score will go up. I used to have horrible credit, and through hard work, it is now almost perfect.


    Yes, having a certain amt of credit carsds is expected. BUT I advise against anyone having  a wallet full of plastic. And anyone buying a home is advised NOT to take out any new credit cards till loans go through.

  8. the only way to improve your credit score is to pay your bills on times .if you cannot do this then ring up the people you owe money to and do some negotiating.if once you have paid your bills you still have a low score then try to obtain your credit reports and if there are any mistakes on them then write to the concerned party and resolve the matter.

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