
Can i bottle beer from a keg?

by Guest45061  |  earlier

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I have a favorite type of beer that is 4 bucks for a 22oz bottle.

To order a 1/6 keg of it would be like 60 bucks, which cuts the price of the beer in half.

Can i just get the keg and get a bunch of bottles and fill and cap them?

Do i need a special tool to do this?

Also how long will the beer last?

I know that when people brew theyre own beer they have to basically do the same thing so im figuring its the same as brewing your own and bottling it.




  1. that is one of the dumbest ideas ever.   and no brewing the beer is NOT the same thing as putting kegged beer into a bottle.

    brewing your own is a MUCH different and more detailed progress.

    why not study this instead....

    a much better idea..  the beer will be better and you'll be proud to call it your own.

    also.. the kegged beer will be of a lesser grade than the bottles.

    you do get what you pay for.. you'll find out that shortly with the keg.

    forget the keg and their beer..

    make your own.

  2. dude its gona get skunked... but go ahead and try lol

  3. It won't keep.

  4. Yes, you can bottle beer from a tap.  There are really two methods:

    1. Fill bottle from the tap and cap it.  Advantage: EASY!  Disadvantage: you introduce oxygen to the beer at the time of bottling.  This means that the bottles won't be good for very long.  Additionally, you will lose carbonation in the process.  You can make up for the carbonation by over-carbonating the beer, but you won't be able to reduce the oxygenation of the beer.  Additionally, you have to do this at a low PSI or you will end up with a very messy process.  (No way around this, you are going to lose beer to foam-over!)  Some hints: freeze the bottles before you fill them to decrease CO2 loss.

    2. Counterpressure Fillers: this is a device that you can purchase that allows you to store the beer in the bottle much longer.  They can be expensive and difficult to use.  But you will see better results from this.  A lot of homebrewers keg their beers exclusively, but if they want to send bottles to a homebrew competition, they will purchase this device.

    Obviously, the best method is to bottle immediately after fermentation.  But the above info should get you where you need to go!

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