
Can i breed my budgies when they r 6 months old!!!!?

by  |  earlier

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i have 2 birds that are 6 months can i breed them with my other females




  1. No, you should wait until they are 1-2 years old

  2. Budgies are physically able to start breeding at around 6 months of age, however they are not mentally ready. You should wait at least 12 months until you breed them. Any earlier and they may attack the young or abandon the nest/eggs. Many breeders will wait until 18 months.

  3. I think they are a little bit young to breed right now. You should wait until they're mature enough like maybe 8 months or 1 year old. Wait until they want to breed. You cannot make them breed, they'll breed when they want to. I think it is a little bit too young to breed right now.

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