
Can i bring cigarettes on an airplane?

by  |  earlier

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i'm 15. yeah yeah, i know. i'm going to die from cancer. but i'm traveling with my parents. will anything happen if i stash them in my check in bag, even if they're found?




  1. no. as long as you don't have a lighter.

    yes, you will probably die from cancer. you should stop now. Or you can stop when you're 19 when you realize its really not cool anymore

  2. Yeah you can take them on the plane with you but obviously can't smoke them. I've done it myself even when i've not been of legal age to smoke. No one bothers.

    Worst that would happen would be getting them taken off you & thats highly unlikely/

  3. They will be confiscated.  It's illegal to possess cigarettes if you're under 18.

  4. you are going to die of cancer

  5. They will be able to find them.Airport security is too tight to sneak anything past,and just few words of advice don't smoke because I lost my uncle due to it,his life should have been nowhere near as short as it was,he left behind three children and two grandchildren.So just think about the affects because it will later get harder to stop.

    P.S.My uncle was mentally unstable.....what's your excuse.....the same?

  6. you're under age

  7. Yeah you just can't smoke them.  You can carry them in your pocket if you want it's not like they're metal, but you might do better putting them in a bag of some sort just so the don't break.  As for being 15 I don't see that as a huge deal, when I was 15 I smoked a little, and seriously it's not my place to tell you how to live your life.  From reading the other answers I guess there's some worry of having them confiscated I've never heard of that happening, but if they're in your checked bag they'll have no way of knowing your age.  There's your legitimate answer :)

  8. You can take cigarettes on the plane you just can't take a lighter.  Your also allowed only one pack of matches to carry on and one more thing..............   Pay no mind to the self righteous non smoking stupid *#& remarks your receiving on here.  No we shouldn't smoke that's a given but comments like you've been getting are best kept to themselves.  Like they have no vices ?  I suppose they don't drink either and at least my cigarettes don't kill someone behind the wheel of a car.  They have no impact on me and I will continue to smoke until " I" make the decision to quit and not due to folks like these.

  9. if they see them they'll take them since youre under 18 and its illegal

  10. you can bring them on board but cannot smoke them anywhere on the plane

  11. You shouldnt be smoking in the first place. So you recieve no intelligent answer because you are clearly stupid.

  12. get a life, while you still have one.

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