
Can i bring external hard drive in my travel to US?

by  |  earlier

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I will be going to the USA on the 2nd week of July, will I be allowed to bring external hard drive in the US border? Is it prohibited in US airports or any airports? Im asking this because I will living for good in the US and all my files that I need are stored in that hard disk. I dont want that the reason for my deportation will be bringing that stuff.




  1. Sure you can.

    But as your Consulate and then check the US consulate just to be certain. If it is packed in stowage or stored luggage, not carry on, I see no problem with it. Laptops are carried on board almost every flight, in cabin.

    Is better to ask the officials and be certain than to end up in a Turkish rendition camp that is run by Haliburton/CIA.

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