
Can i build a website similar to yahoo but for local town??

by  |  earlier

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i want to built a website that can offer local ppl questions and answers. we have alot of military relocation that im sure would ease ppl moving if they had someone to ask questions about the area. plus there are tons of other categories. i just dont know if i can get in trouble for having a site similar and how to even build it. i have a domain just no clue what software i would need.




  1. Forums would be the easiest way to do it. You can set up your own with which is very customizable, or use hosted forums like . You wouldn't be able to set it up exactly like Y!A, but it seems like it would be adequate for your needs.

  2. Yes you can .For that you need a domain and webhosting . Hostmonster webhosting is the best one since they offer unlimited Bandwidth ,free domain and $75 credits to advertise your website with the google & yahoo search engines for free  with their webhosting package.

  3. Hi,

    I like your idea, surely you cant get into trouble for building such a site.

    One thing you could use is probably forums but if you want something as easy to use as here then it will have to be custom made.

    I recently starting on idea I want to develop have a look at and if the information there and the sites linked to it have you convinced then I would really like to partner with you on that.


  4. A website "like YA!" is a HUGE undertaking that cannot even be approached by amateurs.

    The location, the geographic limits imposed do NOT affect the coding: it will still have the same complexity.

    Don't even think you can use an IDE (Integrated Development Environment) such as Dreamweaver or frontpage: you will not even start!

    Using free scripts downloaded, like phpbb or chats or forums MAY be feasible, but open just one of their file in a text editor: if you are not a professional, they will look like written in chinese...

    Adapting them following the instructions step-by-step MAY be possible, but should you hit a snag, you will not find a professional to help you...

    What you need:

    A proper domain (no free styff!).

    A proper LAMP server (cheaper and more efficient than WAMP: this means "NO windows").

    The easiests languages you MUST know to the tips of your fingers:

    (X)HTML, javascript, Php, MySQL, AJAX.

    (On window servers, you have to use ASP,, JSP, IIS and plenty of other databases)

    With Php and MySQL, you could try to download and adapt a script to make a kind of a chat board.

    Be prepared, however, for long sleapless nights...

    Good luck!

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