
Can i buy Hoodia Gordonii Plus at cvs, walgreens, or wal mart or any other place?

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Can i buy Hoodia Gordonii Plus at cvs, walgreens, or wal mart or any other place?




  1. Hello,

    Whatever brand of Hoodia, the important thing is to guarantee you are buying the real thing.

    Unfortunately there are many cheap products out there claiming to be Hoodia. The real stuff has never shown any adverse reactions when taken correctly.

    To be sure that you are only getting pure Hoodia, look for independent analysis by either Alkemists Pharmaceuticals or Chromodex. These are the only two companies I know of that have tests (provided by Phytopharm who discovered how Hoodia works) to show genuine Hoodia.

    Ignore all other documents such as CITES etc - they do not show that the product you are buying is pure Hoodia.

    Hope this helps,


  2. Hoodia is now available at almost any store you find these days. Be forewarned though, my sister was secretly taking hoodia to lose some weight and one night she had a capuccino after dinner. Later on that night she went into shock and had to be taken to the emergency room. My dad had to drive down to Miami in the middle of the night to get her. It was a real scare. She was out of it for almost 2 weeks afterward. Stay away from this stuff...just eat right and exercise.

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