
Can i buy a Unlocked iPhone off ebay and put a next g sim in it?

by  |  earlier

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Could i buy a jail broken iPhone off ebay and slip my next g sim into it?




  1. you can put whatever SIM you want into an unlocked phone...that's the point of it being 'unlocked''s not held to any specific carrier...

  2. If the iPhone is unlocked then yes but if the person only did a Jailbreak on it then no (unlocking allows you to use a phone on any compatible network where jailbreaking only allows you to install unapproved apps and features to the phone while still locking it to the original network).  Be aware that the phone will have limitations on data services on a network it wasn't designed for.

  3. yea b ut u wont need to buy it just sign up with this link     and take surveys to get points and in no ti,e u will have whatever ur heart desires.

  4. yes you can. but i found that the optus website had prepaid ones cheaper then ebay but locked to optus I'm sure the other networks will have the same deal  

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