
Can i buy a gun at 17 if i am in the military?

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Can i buy a gun at 17 if i am in the military?




  1. yeah you can be in the service at 17( your parents sign a waiver!!)

  2. Being in the military does not change any of the federal or state laws concerning purchasing weapons; so you can buy the exact same weapons as a 17 year old civilian.

  3. Sure you can, go down to your local hood with some cash, look for three wanna be gangsters on the corner robbing your car and they will show you what they have. But they dont give refunds back, and horrible customer service  

  4. Yes you can be in the service at 17.  Do some research.  

    Gun purchase laws are the same regardless of your military service.

  5. Nope.

    I don't think so at least...

    When you turn 18 you can buy/own a gun with a barrel length of at least 18 inches, and at 21 you can buy a hand gun/pistol and go for your Concealed Handgun License.

  6. When you purchase weapons from a Federal Firearms Licensed (FFL) dealer you have to fill out a form 4473. On this form, it asks your age. If you are not at least 18 years of age, you may not purchase a firearm from an FFL dealer.

    That being said, there is no law against a private citizen selling you a weapon. Remember there are federal laws against purchasing ammunitin as well, which requires you to be 18 to purchase rifle ammunition and 21 to purchase handgun ammunition.

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