
Can i buy a handgun (glock) out of state?

by Guest62243  |  earlier

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Ok lets say i live in kansas can i go to colorado and buy a glock?




  1. If you are in the military (as your name may suggest, I'm not sure) you may be able to. If you are on orders, no problem. If not, I'm not sure what the answer is. Orders are not that hard to come by though, if you know who to ask.

    I've been in Walmarts in Florida that had maps posted showing what states they would accept IDs from to sell a long gun. The rules may be different for handguns, or perhaps that rule has recently changed without my knowledge, but as a Texan in Florida it seems I could buy a long gun and walk out with it.

    Edit: Upon further recollection, I know for a fact you can buy a handgun out of state, because both my parents have bought guns out of state while visiting (that I now own). You do not need to worry about FFL's unless they are shipping it. If you visit CO, you can buy your gun if they will sell it to a KS resident (state/retailer decision). Be prepared to comply with any CO regulations, and KS upon return home.

  2. You can buy out of state and pay for the handgun where you are buying it but they will have to transfer it to a FFL dealer in your state to transfer the gun to you.  Most dealers will probably charge you $20 to $25 to ship and expect the same fee from the dealer receiving it to do the transfer to you.  That was the bad news but here is the good news.  You don't have to pay any state taxes on the handgun!  

  3. Yes.*

  4. Yes and no

    Federal law says that you must be a resident of the state that you are having a handgun transfered in

    You can go to Colorado and buy the gun but the seller must  ship it to an FFL in Kansas who can then transfer it to you

    Yes Texas

    You can buy a long gun in any contiguous state as long as the sale is legal in both states

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