
Can i buy a sea boat and just sail it?

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i am retiring to the east coast and want to buy a small fishing boat do i need any kind of licence to go off shore fishing or is there any laws stoppimg me thanks for any help




  1. in England you dont need a permit to sail on the sea but on rivers you do, why buy a sea boat for rivers,

  2. Hi I will presume you are in the UK . all sea boats require a registration number and a licence ok this is for your own safety and you should always tell some one where you are going and when you should be back ok

    Insurance is a good thing also ok

  3. Yes, there are laws stopping you... You may or may not need any "license" other than a fishing license.  However, each state has it's own laws regarding boating and boat safety courses. Which you may need or not need depending on your East Coast State of residence.  Plus, of course, you will have to have your boat registered in that state.

    The link below, will direct you to boat, boating laws, any boat safety courses, and registration requirements of all 50 states.

  4. You need to look at the mca website, (maritime and coastgaurd agency) they are the governing body for what you are looking at doing, plus they will be able to help you out.

    There is a lot to learn and consider before just 'going out there' without any experience etc...

    another starting point would be to do the RYA course.

  5. in the uk you don,t need a licence to sail a sea craft, but if you are going to sell any fish or shellfish then you need to register at your local port you sail from

    you will get a number that stays with you and the boat for as long as you own it, change the boat, transfer the number

    if the boat is for yourself, ie, not a charter boat then again no licence is required but once people srart paying then again you have to be licensed with the dept of trade

    before you go to sea its best to do at least a day course with the rya to get a basic knowledge of seamanship, its not fair to you to put yourself in danger and certainly not the r.n.l.i. who will risk their lives to save you.

    buy the boat, but s***w the head before you go to sea.

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