
Can i buy a telephone that records all my calls?

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Can i buy a telephone that records all my calls?




  1. These guys offer a ton of call recording options,

  2. legally you have to let anyone know you are talking to you are taping the conversation when you do, if you do not and they find out, yes the can sue your #$^$#&@$%@& over it

  3. I use Sony Ericsson P990i and P1i and they both record the calls. Heck, a lot of call phones can record your calls, but the only thing is that you have to turn the ability on each time after the call starts. Also, as far as I know, you need a seporate device for a land line based phone.

  4. assuming you mean a land line, why not get an answerphone, much easier, and if your phone packs up, you only need buy a new phone, not one with answerphone

  5. with most VoIP phones, yes! you can go online at have it set "voice activated"....... with landlines your will need a recording device!!

    this is also voice activated!

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