
Can i buy an at home laser engraver?

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IF I could have one, I would engraver small wooden pens with it. I has to be under $1000.




  1. yes, you can get an laser cutter that would be small enough to fit in your home, but not for under $1000, unfortunately. The cheapest I have seen are still around $3000.

  2. There are some lasers manufactured in China which are low cost (compared to the $10K-50K price of conventional laser engravers.  But support is limited, language can be an issue, technical problems may be difficult to resolve.  The glass tubes have limited life.  

    Search on a company called Redsail (they have a Canadian office).  Also some people are using a laser sold as the Rabbit.  If you search on this term plus "laser engraver" you could track it down.  Do your research before buying.  

    For more info on the Rabbit go to and go to the laser engraving forum.  Then search there as well.

  3. Here. Its $1300. At least its not $3000.

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