
Can i buy pigment to add to white paint?

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I already have white paint at home...still good, and just want to touch up my front porch. barn red ...can I buy just the pigment and mix at home. Or will the hardware store mix my old paint




  1. You can mix the paint. Just be sure you mix water based with water based and oil with oil. Don't cross mix them and you will be fine.

  2. Yes, you can buy pigment though not every place that sells paint sells the pigment, and it isn't very cheap. You will probably have to go to a paint specialty store. However, barn red would normally be mixed from a deep base with less white pigment in it than what's in your white paint, even though the base would appear white before you mix it with a colour. I'm afraid you might have to add a great deal of pigment to get a real barn red. You might end up with something more like a deep orange or pink. Go to the paint store and see what they think, but I suspect you'd be better off to buy the colour you want.

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