
Can i by a baby goldfish?

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If i ask at the pet store, is it possible i could get a baby goldfish which is just a couple of months old?




  1. Most of the cheaper goldfish in the pet stores are babies.  They grow to be 12" long for commons and 8" for fancies.  You pay a lot to get mature goldfish.

    Remember before you buy one about the sizes I mentioned.  You'll need a 20 gallon tank for one goldfish.


  2. thats what you're buying are babies

  3. Almost all the fish sold at the pet store are babies, except the smaller fish like guppies and mollies and neon tetras and bettas.  They tend to sell fish around the same size (one or two inches long) whether that is the adult size of the fish or not.  If you want to buy an adult goldfish or koi you have to go to a special breeder and then you will pay a lot of money for it.  An adult goldfish is usually over a foot long, except for the fancy ones, and even they are about 8 inches long and really big around.

  4. sure!

  5. uumm, that6 fish would be what they sell in a pet store. The smallest fish there are about 4 monthes or so.

  6. I think u can...try asking them.

  7. why do you want on the p**p and never stop crying you have to feed them yourself

    haha jk

    well I doubt you can get anything younger them 4 months but at my petsmart they have really small fantails

  8. yes!

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