
Can i cash check written for MY rent..?

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Say i received a check from a church to help pay my rent..The check was for $100 and it says pay to the order of "apartment name" would there be ay way from me to cash it or deposit it in my account. I am NOT trying to scam anybody nut i heard my apt has a a rule where u can only pay via 1 check or 1 money order etc.I would just go to the church and kindly ask them to put my name on it but it is located in my home town and i currently live in my college town and i have no way of making it there. Should i just write after "Apartment Name" "/my name" or can i still cash it w/o doing that?thanks in advance.

BTW im trying to cash it w/ compass bank.




  1. pebble is right.  there is no way that the apartment manager is going to turn down money, so long as it doesn't cost them money to process it, i.e. electronic processing fees for using credit cards.  Depositing checks, as long as they're valid and do not bounce, cost absolutely nothing for the apartment manager or the business.  Just as any other transaction, you need to be sure and get a written reciept for any and all transactions.  That way, later on if or when your account balance comes into question, you have proof of it's current status.  I guarantee you that you'll NOT be turned down if you offer 2 checks, 1 check and 1 money order, 1 check and some cash, or 2 separate money orders to these people.  They just don't want to have to keep up with 2 seperate forms of payment for one account, which just happens from time to time.  BTW, why are you getting money from a church and not your parents?  If you or they are that bad off to need charity, perhaps you should look into getting a room on campus.

  2. They won't cash it without your name on the check. Your best bet is to talk with your apartment manager and explain the situation. They want their money so likely they will make an exception. Other than that, get back with your church and ask them to mail you a new one.

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