
Can i cash my work check at the bank?

by Guest45459  |  earlier

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I don't have an account at any bank but, i work at one. Will I be able to cash my check there? Because cashing your check at the store is not a safe method costs too much & I'm tired of it quite frankly!

Help me out! Can I cash my check at the bank(my job)?




  1. Why would you ask this here..why not ask it at your JOB?  I am confused.  Checking accounts are free now at many places.  Another thing...why wouldn't the bank cash one of their OWN checks?  Try it is all I can say.

  2. Of course you can.  You're money is the same to them as any one else's money.

  3. You work at a bank, the same bank pays you a check from their bank, and you are asking if you can cash it there?

  4. You can cash a cheque at whichever bank the cheque is drawn on.

    If you work at a bank, why wouldn't you have an account there? Or any bank account for that matter?

  5. I would think they would cash your check if it's written off their own account, but why not have a bank account? How do you pay bills?  

  6. I think you are kidding.. What do u work as? A TELLER?

    Anyways yes u can cash your check there.. need to have a bank account.

  7. Yeah. If you are in chex systems BOA (BK of Amereica) will give you a bank account if you have 1 ID and a company check. (account needs a 25 dollar balance to start)

    As long as you go to the Check Issuing Bank and have the proper 2 forms of ID You should have no problems cashing it without an account

    You could cash it at any moneytree. As long as your employer hasn't had too many bounced checks there. Any check cashing place will cash a payroll check as long as they can reverse 1-800 # the employers phone number from their directory service. If they cant they sometimes can be persuaded to call the employers human resources to verify the check # or 3 way call with the issuing partys bank to verify funds and the last three deposit's in the check cashers bank account history.


  8. Of course you can cash your paycheck at your job ---- it's there check right??  

  9. of COARSE!!!!!!!! =) ehehe yea you can

  10. yes if its thier check i dont see why not. they are gonna ask you to open an account though.

  11. spend 15 minutes to open one.

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