
Can i change bike seat post to fit my size?

by  |  earlier

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i am pretty short, and all the bike i find i fit on are about $400. i wanted something a little cheaper but they all are so high when i get on, my feet wont even touch the gorund (i'm 5'1). could i get the bike i want and just change out the seat post so my legs can reach?




  1. Take it off and take it to a machine shop and have them saw it off the to the size you want. Adding later: Boy, am I glad I read the whole question because I had some weird ideas about what you were talking about.

  2. I'm not sure you really have a problem.

    The important point is seat height relative to the pedals since you need your leg to be almost extended when the pedal is all the way down to ensure an efficient (and pain free) pedaling position. Many novice riders have the seat too low ... don't fall into that trap.

    If the seat is at the right height you won't be able to touch the ground with your toe (after all the leg is almost straight when on the pedal). You get off the seat when you stop.

    As to "changing the seat post" ... most seat posts will go all the way down into the seat tube ... so how would a different seat post help?  You DON'T want the seat post all the way down on any type of bike. If it is, the bike is too big.

    As to suggestions to cut off the seat post ... the suggesters are idiots who don't know what they are talking about.

    My suggestion is to consult with the staff at a good bike store. They will make sure the bike is the right size.

  3. Just so you know...  When the bike seat is at its proper height (i.e. you can comfortably extend your leg on the downstroke when pedaling), you should not be able to touch the ground at all with your feet when sitting on the seat.

    If you set the seat so low that you can put your feet on the ground when you are on the seat, it's going to cause a lot of soreness in your knees after pedaling for a few minutes.

    How do you stop if you can't touch the ground with your feet when on the bike seat?  Simple.  When braking to a stop, you have to slide yourself forward off the seat so you can get your feet on the ground.  It does take some practicing to do this right though.

    Hope this helps.

  4. even though it costs more, get the good bike that fits. obviously the department store theory of "one-size-fits-all" has been disproved. these other answers suggesting that you can shorten the seat post are way off. it still only goes so low. get a proper fit and enjoy riding confidently!

  5. yeah go to a bike shop and ask them if they have any posts or u can have that one sawed down

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