
Can i change jobs in ther royal navy within the same branch

by Guest10643  |  earlier

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if i was a aircraft handler and after a few years i wanted to become a pilot ,can i ?




  1. If you are a member of the royal family you can have any job you want in any  of the services . And of course you wont have any worries of being carried home in a body bag.

  2. If you were an AH, and wanted to be a METOC or a PHOT, then yes, but it is difficult.

    If you were an AH working on Harriers, and wanted to swich to Merlin, thats easier.

    If you wanted to be a pilot, thats far harder. You need to have your paoers raised, and pass all the selection board. I suspect you would find it hard to get int that job.

    If you want to change to Regulator, no one will ever speak to you again...

  3. There are ways it can be done, speak with your commanding officer for more information on a transfer.

  4. If you wanted to transfer to Officer, you would have to have the correct educational qualifications and undertake the Admiralty Interview Board.  It is fairly unlikely you would be selected for Warfare Officer Pilot; however, the other warfare specialisations would be open to you.  That is probably the only avenue open to you for gaining a Commission.

    The other jobs you could change to would be Navy Police, Photographer, Aircrew, Physical Training Instructor, Clearance Diver, Helicopter Controller.

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