
Can i change my earrings?

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my ears r very sensitive like wen i first changed my earrings from gold to fake 1s they got infected. ive been wearing gold earrings for a long time since that happened. do u think i could use the fake 1s from claires?




  1. no! i had the same problem. It makes it worse. I had to learn the hard way. If you want to wear silver earrings, Make sure they are good quality sterling silver, Not some cheach ones from walmart that says that they are sterling silver. Those are really bad for your ears :(

  2. If your ears are sensitive then you most likely can't wear the fake ones. But maybe you could get a pair of fake earrings and try them...

    I hope I helped.

  3. Do NOT wear gold. They get infected sooo easily. Silver or fake ones from claries will work much better. Gold,for some reason, always gets your ears infected. Make sure you get the sterling silver ones. Clean your earrings every once in a while too, to be sure it doesnt get infected.

  4. It would probably be fine to change them. But to be safe try a stearlig silver or claires sensative solution.

  5. I have this problem too, you can get fake ones but the best kinds to get are the sterling silver ones, and sometimes they even have brands that are supposed to not give you an infection. You also have to make sure that you clean the earing daily, either with the stuff they give you, or with rubbing alcohol and you should be good

  6. yeah i think so maybe

    answer mine please;...

  7. no because they would probably still get infected

  8. i think so=)

  9. One of my friends can only wear real earrings and otherwise it bothers her ears.  I think she can wear real silver as well as gold so you could try that.  I would be careful though.  At some stores they also have the earrings for sensitive ears.  

  10. No, it sounds like you're allergic to cheap metal. It's something that's pretty common. You can wear something other than gold, but it needs to be sterling silver, some other type of silver, platinum, or gold. You can buy cute sterling silver earrings from Kohl's or J.C Penny or any other jewelry store. Don't risk getting another infection.

    I'm the same way, except when I put in stainless steel earrings from claire's (fake silver), I passed out after an hour.

  11. yes, only if you take them out in the evening. And dont get yoru earlobes wet. Also, if you put those alcohol prep pads the disinfectent, and rub it on your ear lobes and the earrings before and after you wear them you should be fine =) Good Luck!  

  12. well all earings from claires are not fake they are stainless steel :]

    && when you change them to the ones from claires just be sure to take them out every nite before you go to bed :]

    im allergic to fake jewelry too && this always works for me :]

  13. I have a friend who can only wear gold ones because every other kind of earring irritates her ears and stuff.

    So I would stick to the gold, if those don't hurt your ears.

  14. No, dont take the chance, its not really worth it, is it? You could try sterling silver though, that probably wouldn't hurt and they aren't that expensive...

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