
Can i change my last name if my dads dad was adopted?? ?

by Guest10797  |  earlier

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i mean can i change my last name if i kno my granddads biological last name.




  1. i do not see why you would not be able to...

  2. that's totally your choice and it's a good one. some people change their names because they heard a better one on tv. so go for it if your sure but i bet keeping your dad and your granddads last name might not be a bad choice.

  3. Why not ; It's your choice ; but then why would U wanna do that??

  4. that's your personal choice

  5. You should really discuss this with your father. Not the people of Y! answers, it's a very serious question.  

  6. why should you do that? he was raised by that family, and I guess that his family gave him love and raised him to be a good person. you should be thankful for that.

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