
Can i charge my ex-wife rent for living in the house we jointly own?

by  |  earlier

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we have been seperated for over a year now and we have been issued the decree nisi from the courts. i now pay rent elsewhere and i also pay half the mortgage liability to the house she lives in (i dont pay bills to which she agreed to through her solicitor). the house is up for sale and has been for a year but it isnt selling anytime soon due to the impending recession.!! do i have grounds to start charging her rent for living there? i havent lived there for over a year now. any advice would be greatly appreciated.






  1. Can you charge a girlfriend or boyfriend (and 2 kids I might add) rent?  They are living in a 2000sqft house for less than $600 per month- while I still pay half the mortgage.

  2. If you are the only one paying the mortgage ( ie, she is not participating in half of the payments ) I do think you can charge her for rent.

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