
Can i chew Oxytrtracycline?

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I can't take pills, its just a weird thing i can't do. Well anyways would it be possible if i was to chew than swallow? i really need to know. Thanks. And also can they be doctors or people who know what they are talkig about rather than a random.




  1. the tablet is an antibiotic if it is in the form of a capsule pull the pill apart and put the powder or granules into juice and take if it is tablet form it can be chewed but wont taste very nice your best bet is to crush the pill between two spoons or in your kitchen pesal and mortor and add it to juice mix well and drink the tablet will still do its job and long as its well mixed and you dint let it settle to the bottom of your glass I am a qualified nurse of 18 years so I give this advice through the bnf and my own experience if you really struggle ask your gp for liquid more medication can come in liquid or dissoluble pills nowadays but please take the pills and complete the course of the infection may well return good luck  

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