
Can i chinese algae eater be mean and attack other fish if so can it hurt them????

by Guest62480  |  earlier

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4 tiger barbs, 1 chinese algae eater, and 1 snail




  1. They do tend to get more  aggressive as they get bigger, but if you have a big enough tank it should be fine with those fish.

  2. Yes. Chinese Algae Eaters grow to be 8-11 inches long and they quickly turn from peaceful vegetarians into hunters. They are, in my opinion, a bad choice for any community tank unless the CAE is, and always will be, the smallest fish in the tank. They have been known to latch onto the sides of bigger fish and can inflict nasty wounds even when they are small though.

    I would suggest you get rid of it before it becomes a problem and buy a Siamese Algae Eater. I am including a link to a picture so you can see the difference between the two species.

  3. hey man,

    ok, one thing people dont know about these guys, is that one, they are not chinese haha, and 2, that they can be pretty dangerous. Not in a way that they viciously attack fish, but that they gradually eat the slime off of other (usually larger) fish, which can result in sickness or even death. They can be a great addition to a tank, but sometimes the downfall aswell.  He should be fine with the tankmates u listed, but make sure u add some stress coat every once in a while to make sure that their slimcoat does not diminish. Good luck with it

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