
Can i claim a refund for medication & crutches ive been given for a sprained ankle whilst in Spain on hols?

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I am in Barcelona on holiday,& have sprained my ankle.I went to the hospital & was also given Ibuprofen & a pair of crutches which cost me over 20 Euros.

Iam a british citizen & have a EHIC (European Health Insurance Card).

Iam in receipt of Income Support & Disability Living Allowance in the UK as i cannot work.

What is the quickest way of obtaining a refund for this treatment of the sprained ankle please?

Iam in Barcelona until 4th June , on the EHIC card it says on the back "It may be quicker to claim a refund of medical expences whilst you are still abroad.




  1. If whilst on Income Support you also were able to afford travel insurance to go on a holiday then you can claim through your insurance company. You will need the documents from the hospital and maybe your rep to prove this accident actually occurred. Your comment that says on the back of the card "it may be quicker to claim a refund whilst you are abroad" well if you are unemployed (for whatever reason) then you have all the time in the world to claim the refund once back in the UK

  2. You have been charged, by your own admission, around 20 euros (£16.00 +) for treatment and crutches in a Spanish hospital.   I suspect that production of the EHIC card has actually saved you a considerable sum of money, as that seems to be just a nominal charge.  The reverse of my EHIC card says nothing about "claiming a refund whilst you are still abroad."  It does, however, give a telephone number to ring for health related advice, which is - +44 (0)20 7210 4850 (Mon-Fri. 9 - 5 UK time).   Alternatively, you can go to the site below and click on to "EHIC card free or reduced cost treatment".   I should mention it does also pay to take out Holiday travel insurance but no doubt, even if you had, the excess would probably be more than your relatively small bill.

  3. I don't want to judge, but you are unable to work, yet able to take a holiday to Barcelona?

    You injured yourself whilst on a clearly government funded holiday and you want to claim back 20 euros of government money from the government?


  4. Well if you are the usual type of 'can't work' claimant in the UK i'm sure you will find a way

  5. You can claim it back from the local Social Security office, but a translator will cost you more than 20 Euros. It's doubtful that anyone will speak English and you will queue for hours. It will be easier to claim in U.K. but perhaps you don't want them to know you are on holiday!

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