
Can i claim insurance?

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My car was on a municipal parking lot and the car next to mine got on fire due to some wire problems. One side of my car got damaged, including the mirror and the plastic around the windows and the paint. The police would not give me the report because the fire was not intentional. My insurance is one side only, can i claim the cost for the reparations?




  1. Have your insurance company get a copy of the report.  It doesn't matter if it was intentional or not, you have damage as a result of their action.

    Once they have the information, have them file a claim on your behalf.

  2. You can get the report.  That is public information, I don't know why they wouldn't give it to you.  The other person's insurance company is liable for the damage to your vehicle.  Go pick up a copy of the police report.  It's not your fault and you shouldn't have to pay for it.  

    (Unless you live in Michigan.  They have weird insurance)

  3. Why are you asking this question?  Did you get the other person's insurance policy number?  If so, claim it through their insurance.  If not, claim it under your comprehensive policy.
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