
Can i claim my tax back even if i have LOST my P45 form?

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I cant find my P45 form anywhere (yes im an idiot, i know) but to claim back my income tax i need to fill in a P50 form aswell as send parts 2 + 3 of my P45.

I still have my p60 form which is proof of my income and how much tax got deducted from me last year.

Please help someone!




  1. if you are working at the moment you shouldn`t have a P45 your employer should have it, do you know you are entitled to tax back or are you just enquiring? usually the tax people know by now if you have paid too much tax from your P60 which they got at the end of the tax year and they send a new tax code to your employer if you are owed anything, you will pay less tax every week untill you have been reembersed with the amount owed

  2. Yes its still possible and the tax office are very helpful, give them as much info as you can have wage slips p60 etc to hand...they should have it sorted in a jiffy.

    Good Luck

  3. Yes, you can claim.  Get in touch with the tax office named on your P60, and quote the reference number on it.  They should by now have Part 1 of the same P45.  (The main reason why you're supposed to hand in parts 2 and 3 with your claim is so that you can't give the P45 to a new job later on and get another refund through the new employer's PAYE).

  4. You'll have to get in touch with the tax office. They still owe you the money, but it's more paper work now...

  5. Yes.  Your P60 will work just the same as your P45 would have, as long as it states all income you got in the last year.  If it doesn't, you can request a Statement of Earnings from all employers, but make sure that they send it out on company letterhead, stating the tax year that you worked for them.  The Inland Revenue will treat that as evidence of earnings and tax paid, however it may take them a little longer to work out whether you are due anything back.

    Make sure you take a copy of any documents you send to the tax office in case they get lost.  You can find the tax office your records are held in from the HMRC website if you have the employers tax code.

  6. Yes, you can still get tax back, although there may be delays if you do not send form P45. It depends whether the tax office has received and processed part 1 of your form P45, that was sent in by your old employer. If tax office does not have it, staff may have to write out to old employer for details.

    Whilst your form P60 may be of help in giving you the name of tax office and employer's reference, it is of no help to tax office with regard to any in-year repayment for the period since 6th April, as the pay and tax shown will relate to the last tax year.  

    As a previous answerer has said, the reason the form is requested is to avoid fraud. When a form P50 is received, processed, and a repayment made, a further form P45 is issued, which supersedes the old one, which is then cancelled by tax office. If you were to find old form P45, give it to a new employer, who then also made a refund, tax office would pick this up at the end of tax year. A computation would be sent, showing you were underpaid.

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