
Can i claim myself if i am 20 years old on my taxes???

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I am 20 years old, I live with my dad, I am going to college.

He makes around $80,000 a year and i make 7.5 an hour at a bank. about $810 a month,

I pay for my own food




ok so here it is in simpler terms. I pay for literaly everything except rent, water, gas, and cell phone. EVerything else i pay for. He still claimes me on his tax return. can i claim myself. It is because of him that I will not be getting any grants. I may live with my dad but he doesnt help me in any way. Please if anyone can help me with a way so i can claim myself. I was in the miltary for 11 weeks but got hurt so now im out. anyway i can claim myself??




  1. No you can not claim yourself because your Dad claimed you.  Still file your taxes and claim zero.

  2. idk if u can   i think u have to wait till ur 21   but den people who live by themselves   at 18 pay taxes too   so u probably can   just call them  

         answer my  question  kinda freaki;...

  3. Sure can. Even if your living at home.

  4. You can claim yourself.  Two problems arise.  First is that even if you do you still have to show his income on the applications for student loans and grants.  That doesn't change until you turn 24.  Second you don't really make enough for it to be a family net benefit to claim yourself.

  5. If your dad claims you, then you can't claim yourself. however,

    just to make sure, you can call the IRS at 1-800-829-1040

    AND your STATE Dept. of revenue office

  6. Your dad doesn't help you in any way?  You write, "pay for literaly everything except rent, water, gas, and cell phone."  

    I think you should talk to your dad about this.  You CAN claim your own taxes if your dad does not.

  7. The problem is, you are a college student living at home.  The fair rental value of your housing is support provided by your parent.  If he makes $80K, chances are he has a nice home, and you would have to pay a lot of rent to live there.

    So, your father can still claim you as long as you are living rent-free, with your dad paying your phone and gas bills.

    BTW the support criterion for you to claim yourself is that you provided over half of your own support.

  8. If you can prove that you contributed to more than fifty percent of your own up keep, then I think you can claim yourself.  I would call the IRS or a tax person, like someone at H&R Block.  He can claim you until age 24 if you are a student though, but also that he pays for more than 50% of your upkeep.  I would claim yourself, and just see what happens.  They will just make the changes if it does not go through, you won't get in trouble if you try it..not a big deal..good luck

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