
Can i claim unempolyment benefit if my partner works full time?

by  |  earlier

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we have two children, and all we get for an income is her wadge and family tax and working tax. am i entitled to claim JSA? or something?




  1. Yes, you are entitled to claim but they may take your partners wage into consideration & you won't get "the full amount" that a single person would recieve. If you call them then they can tell you exactly what your entitled to, I think you may be entitled to child benifit too.... good luck x

  2. You can but try.

  3. This page should tell you more - - but generally they would take your partner's earnings into consideration  as well

  4. There are two types of jobseekers allowance; Income based and contribution based,

    You can't get income Based as your partner is working over 24 hours per week

    You may get Contribution based JSA if you have paid Type 1 Class A National iinsurance contributions for the past two tax years, if you haven't previously been working and paying NI, then you wont qualify for JSA contribution based either. Contribution based JSA is paid for a maximum period of 26 weeks

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