
Can i copy movies on blanck cd????

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ok so my sis has the OC and she has all the seasons and i only have the 1st and 2nd so can i copy them on blank cds??




  1. Depending where you live it may be illegal to copy DVDs, but the personal use interpretation in your jurisdiction probably allows a copy of something someone legally owns for ... you guessed it ... personal use.

    The following is for information only ... I am not endorsing or encouraging illegal activity.

    DVDs are protected by copy protection mechanisms CSS being one (Google it). So copying requires software that can remove these mechanisms. Such software exists (Google "DVD+copy").

    You can't copy a DVD to a CD (it won't fit).

    However, a single layer DVD5 can be copied to a single layer (4.7GB) DVD-R (better compatibility with players than DVD+R), but to copy a DVD9 (dual layer (9.4 GB), i.e. most commercial DVDs) you will need double layer DVD-R or software that allows the contents of the larger disk to be split between 2 single layer disks.

  2. NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111 WAY

  3. Yes, you can.

  4. I believe the rule is that you are allowed to make 1 archival copy of any disk you own.  So technically.... yes you can, but since they are not actually your DVD's it's still p****y.

    Anyways, you will need a computer program to convert the DVD format into a VCD.  The quality will be slightly less, but you shouldn't really notice.

  5. Yes you can back up your sis disk to cd, by converting to avi you could also if you want a copy on dvd then use DVD Shrink and burn with nero or your usual burner.

    Hope this helps.

  6. actually it's illegal to copy a movie into a blank cd. But if it's for personal use, whats wrong with that. It's just ok if you only want to entertain yourself and yourfriend, but please dont be a CD Pirate.... that was a federal crime and you might actually get caught

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