
Can i copy to a disk my pre-installed version of windows xp so i can use it on another computer?

by  |  earlier

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i am getting an older computer that doesn't have xp and i need it to get high speed pc i have now came with xp pre-installed,so can i just copy the xp program onto a disk and download it to my other computer?help!




  1. no once ur code is used you cant reuse it

    i dont know of any way copy xp onto a disc other than an already existing image

    i use a xp pro sp3 corporate edition

  2. no

  3. yes you can. try using ghost from Symantect product to do it.  

  4. Sounds like it might work. As far as I know, you'll need the password. If you can borrow some else's operating system, a copy might be made and the two would share the same password.

  5. Yes with 2 conditions, if you know your way around in software and both machines are the same brand.

    Good luck

  6. No; it doesn't work that way.  Your older computer that you're getting will need different drivers, and will need its own registry entries.

  7. Nope, you can only use an XP disc on one computer.  You will have to buy another XP disc to install it.

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