
Can i cross back into the U.S. from canada while intoxicated and under 21 if i have a DD without consequence?

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Can i cross back into the U.S. from canada while intoxicated and under 21 if i have a DD without consequence?




  1. Does US law state that one cannot drink under the age of 21, or does it specifically say "cannot be intoxicated under the age of 21" ??    Because technically you did not drink in the US you should be fine...

    Just make sure that anytime you drink, you have a DD!!!!

  2. This actually reminds me of this very incident that happened to me. My buddies and I were 19 and we cross into Canada to drink because Canada is like 20 minutes away. We decided to drive back because one of my friends was the designated driver (however he wasn't from our town but from elsewhere). I had him drive my car to take us back to the University. I was completely hammered and so was my other friend in the car but the driver was completely sober. We crossed the border fine and when we got into the states, he was driving slow on this one street because he said he didn't know the speed limit and a cop pulled us over. The cop gave him the breathilizer test and he passed and after looking at his license knew that he was only 19. The cop completely  knew that my friends and I were drunk in the car and that my friend was driving us back in my car. We got lucky. The cop commended the my sober friend for being responsible and my friend ended up asking him for directions. Now not all cops are like this but some are.

  3. I hope you are not saying that you will be driving while intoxicated??  If you have a designated sober driver you will probably be ok.  

    I don't think the US laws are quite as strict about DUI's as in Canada, so you can probably cross the border without difficulty, particularly if you are a US citizen.  However, in the US you could get in trouble if you happen to be stopped by police for any reason, but most likely if you are not the driver there would be no problems.  It depends on what you do after you cross back into the US.

    Don't drink and drive!!

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