
Can i dance pointe if my 2nd toe is longer than my big toe?

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i know that when you dance pointe that you are mostly on your big toe, like it is when you point your foot. if my 2nd toe is about a pinky toe nail longer, how will i be able to dance pointe? are there special shoes? i don't think i can bear as much (if any) weight on my 2nd toe than on my big toe.

please help!




  1. do use mainly your big toe but there are toe pads and dosent really affect you. U shouldnt affect you going en pointe.

  2. Well i have this book called the ballet companion and they talk about 3 dfferent kinds of feet. The 3 types are greek, eqyptian and giselle. Yours is a greek and it doesnt say there is anything wrong with daning en pointe, the only thing it says is when you get your shoes fitted make sure your second toes flat and not bent because it can cause hammer toe. and there isnt metal in your shoes, the part that supports your toes, the box, is actually a hard paper reinforced with a strong glue. That way the box is moveable so you can roll from demi pointe to full pointe.  

  3. my feet are like that , it's fine.

  4. yes, i did and my toes are like that.

    it dosnt hurt that bad really.

  5. hahaha this is funny, because i have the same problem, everyone always jokes with me about how my 2nd toe is bigger, but i have no issues with pointe in that matter. typically people make it sound like your up on your big toe, but its basically all of your toes, cause it has the flat surface on the end of your shoe, plus your toes arent all the way down in the shoe, if they are thats called sinking, and its bad. but you wear toe pads and stuff, so it really makes no difference how big your second toe is, or your third or your fourth, its depends on your foots strength the most. there really isnt any special shoes. you should get your pointe shoes fitted by a specialist, and theyll will find your perfect fit, and it has nothing to do with your toe length, thats what i did, and everyone at my studio does it too.

    i hope this helps and good luck with everything =)

  6. My second and third toes are both longer than my big toe and I have been on pointe for years with no problems. When you are on pointe you are not actually standing on the tips of your toes. Rather, the box in the bottom of the shoe supports your toes above the ground. the length of your toes will not matter at all!

  7. I have that same problem! It's no big deal, you can still dance pointe. They have toe caps that you can buy that go on your big toe to make it longer. Or you can put some lambs wool or something similar on it. it will, if it doesn't consult your teacher and ask her what she thinks is best for you.

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