
Can i do a protection and bashings spells from this link? http://www.everythingunderthemoon.n... ?

by  |  earlier

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is that possible, will it work? do u think it's bad,plus i'm not a witch,never cast a spell, will that effct me saying the protection spell in any ways. this spell is only on me and my family, so we can have peace? do u think i shouldn't do it?




  1. Check your hard-copy Yellow Pages of any large metropolitan area

    near you for "new age", "metaphysical", "magic(k)", "paranormal", etc.

    The shops listed will either have bulletin boards with notices of local

    Covens, Drumming Circles, and/or Orders OR the staff when queried

    may be able to refer you to one of their frequent customers who can

    assist you.

  2. you can give it a try.

  3. honestly, Ill tell you the truth. Most spells wont even work that good if your not spiritually in tune with your self. My friend tried a love spell on a girl, and it took about a year and a half just to be granted, and it back fired only 2 months after.

    Do yourself a favor, go on and look for something called Djinn. Get yourself a Djinn, which are genies (they dont like the name genie) who will help protect you, and make sure everything with you is ok. After 3 months or so you are a better person and you can make a wish on them, and they make sure the wish comes true. You will be there master, but they like to be treated more as your friend. establish a friendship with you djinn, and he will make it his/her duty to protect you from anything/one bad.

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