
Can i do anything about my bad teacher??

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ok tomorrows final exams and yesterday she wasn;t even in school!!

she gave us a review worksheet with a bunch of questions and she doenst even know half the fact she said she's too lazy to make her own exam so she borrows other teachers exams - and she hasnt even looked at our exam yet but she still gave us a worksheet even though she's is the day befor the finals and we have a half day and we still have to go over the worksheets, finish our presentatoins and review!!

she is such a bad teacher u have no idea she's making us to 3 chapters that are gonna b on the final by ourself

can i do anything??

like report her coz EVERYONE hates her

she's not that strict or mean but she can't teach

if i do a petition no one will sign coz they'll be scared she'll lower their grade!!

what should i do so the grade after me doesnt need to fail science and suffer a horrible teacher??




  1. Well the first thing that I would do is either go to your guidance or principals office. If they don't do anything or aren't helpful, enlist the help of your parents. Have them,(the taxpayers) write a letter to the Superintendent of Schools. Hope I helped.

  2. yeah... don't miss school.

  3. Study the material

  4. You ALWAYS have to get the parents involved. Schools ALWAYS ignore the students.

    Have as many students as you can to write down their concerns about this teacher.

    Then, have them ask their parents if they can all get together to go to the principal together and take the letters too.

    Tell the principal if this isnt' resolved within a week they are going to take it to the superintendent and the school board.

    She can NOT lower their grade if they sign a petition, she has to follow the schools legal grading policy and I am SURE this policy does NOT state teachers can lower your grade if you sign a petition.

  5. Not alot im afraid, I once reported a teacher for trying to lock me in a room because I said you cant leave me here on my own, it's illegal . They just told me they weren't sure what the policy was on that , and if they found out they would talk to him. Just their way of shaking you off.

  6. Love with study is the answer.

  7. i rekon go speak to your head of house or co-ordinator and tell them that you are concerned with one of your teachers.

    a similar thing happened to me once and i went to someone in a higher position than my teacher were, and discussed it with them. be careful though, do not say anything negative. they thanked me for my opinion and concern. after that they took it up with her, and kept a close watch on my teacher and she improved at teaching greatly!

  8. to a teacher or a school counselor...yeh. >_>

  9. you can talk to the school council, or the head teacher of the year level.

    if you can properly justify what it is that isnt right about her, and give reasonable reasons and everything. then they should take the proper actions.

    however, if it's only you that comes to report her, then they might not do much because they would most likely require more than one student filing a report.

    you could also get your parents involved, because if anything, teachers seem to listen more to the parents than the students, mainly because parents are the one paying the fees, which eventually contribute to the salary of the teacher. so tell them about it, and get them to support you when you make a report.

  10. Woah, same with me, we hated this teacher n planned the whole petition thing n whinged n whined n now that I think about it, it was really stupid. We said exactly the same things as you 'Everyone hates her, she doesn't know what she's doing'.

    Thats why you have to listen and do the work. Stop complaining.

    Gosh. Not the end of the world.

  11. talk to your guidance consoler

  12. This happened to me. Write a letter to the principle and explain stuff to them. Then they will sit in on a class and watch how she acts. Get a lot of people to write letters. It works! Maybe you could sneak in a video camera and tape her bad teaching

  13. I had a teacher like this once, except she WAS mean and sent to anger management and mental rehabilitation. What I would do is talk to some authority of the school in private, or have your parents do it for you. I would say go to the source, but it sounds like that wouldn't be much of a help. Well, the year's almost over, so good luck!

  14. well...i dont fink u can do much..

    yes u can sign a petiton and all..buh i dont fink it will have much affect....

    u'll just have tos tudy urself...or from ur friends or maybe even get a tutor...

    buh...not everything in the world is perfect and uc ant always expect the have a great teacher...

    u'll just need to rely on urself for sumfings...

  15. everyone has at least one horrible teacher. i had a teacher that cut my videoagraphy class 1hour and a half short because he was trying to take classes at another school to get his masters degree and my class didn't fit his schedule! i was paying for hours that i couldn't use! but that's life and you just get over it because its only temporary.

  16. am guess in your in high school, but if you are in collage you can go to-

    If you are in high school-This is gonna sound cheesy but talk to you parents, and if multiply parents/students complain to your principal/school board it is more likely that they will be released from their position.

    *Make sure parents get into it or the school will think you are just being a winy kid and will ignore you(It does not have to be your parents either if they wont do it)

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