
Can i do college at the USA ? i'm from morocco .?

by  |  earlier

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hello i'm 15 years old and i live in morrocco ,i'm in high school currently in what could be the equivalent of Freshmen status there in USA , and i can get a TOEFL ( i might pass the test this summer) . i have two uncles that can host me (one in san francisco , the other in new jersey) . and i want to go study and may be live in the USA , is this possible for me ?




  1. yes

  2. Yes it is possible.

    You would have to take the TOEFL and SAT I tests and then apply to your chosen universities as an international student. Visit the universities' website for more information about their requirements for admission and how to apply.

    You should also be aware that studying in the U.S. in very expensive - between $18,000 and $45,000 per year.

  3. Yes, there are study abroad programs for you to do or  there are exchange student type programs, or if you are moving to the US for all your college yrs then it will be easier to get into a college here. but it is possible. I'm in the Us and if I wanted to study in france right now i could

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