
Can i do household chores after one month had given birth?

by  |  earlier

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my maid left me and i cant help to see house untidy,can i do everything hosehold chores after a month had given birth?




  1. if you didn't have any complications wear a snug pair of pants to keep yourself binded just don't lift too much had 12 children and did anything i wanted except lift when i came home good luck, just don't do anything you haven't done before your not a superhero.

  2. I was riding a horse 10 days after giving birth. Do you remember how to clean house, since the maid left you?

  3. If your doctor hasn't advised you against it, then I don't see why not. Would be good exercise.=)

  4. Of course you can.  Consider yourself lucky if you've avoided it for a whole month.  Few women have the luxury of having a maid help after they have given birth.  You can do it!

  5. Ask your doctor what he thinks you should be doing.Normally if you had a natural birth you should know your own limits as to what you can or cannot do.I did everything because I didnt have a maid to do it for me. Good Luck!

  6. I was home cleaning house and cooking meals the next day after each of my four were born. It is good exercise. I was cleaning house the nights I went into labor too if that helps. "Man works from sun to sun but a woman's work is never done".

  7. i was cleaning house a week after giving birth by c-section. Just didn't vac and lift heavy stuff..but a month later i was doing everything.

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