
Can i do my gcse's at 18?

by Guest45331  |  earlier

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i moved to spain at the age of 15 so therefore i missed my gcse's from then on my parents didnt have alot of money so i had to work so i ended up with no qualifications. I am now 18 and i live in wales and i was wondering if i could do my gcse's again??

Can Anyone Help??

Thank You





  1. Yes! You can take or retake GCSE's at any time during your life.

  2. yeah do it at your local college you can take all ur gcses there

  3. Yes at your local college, and you should get it free as you are under 19. You can even do them during evening, often within a year.

    Have a look on the college website or if you can get to an open day there should be some on soon for the new term.

    Good luck.

  4. Most colleges offer GCSE courses. Just approach the most local and see how much they charge.

  5. Are u stupid???? wait dont answer that!!!!!!!!!

  6. There is no age limit you can take them whenever you want to.

  7. Yes go to your local college and speak to them, they should be able to get you enrolled on whatever you want to do. Or you could try distance learning, look at some websites - you'll have to pay for these though. Chances are you won't pay at college, depending on your circumstances.

    Good for you for wanting to get qualifications. Good Luck

  8. yes you can do them at sixth form or college

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