
Can i do something about people spreading scandalous rumours and name calling even if i do,t know there names

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Can i do something about people spreading scandalous rumours and name calling even if i do,t know there names




  1. Just tell them that you are not interested, refuse to listen to whatever they have to say.once they are aware that you are not the kind of person who listens to gossips and rumours, they would be ashamed  and back away from you.

  2. It is difficult if you do not know who is spreading rumours.  If you do then they may be prosecuted for either Slander or Libel (Defamation of Character).  I believe this is difficult to prove but maybe a letter from your solicitor may be enough.  However, the best thing to do is simply ignore it all and show no signs of it bothering you.  If someone can't get to you then its no fun for them and they will give up!

  3. Yes, you can put a notice in your local Newspaper as a warning that you will take action if it doesn't stop. I forget the wording but no doubt someone at the paper will be able to tell you. What is being done is called Defamation of character and is against the law.

  4. do you think they are worth your words and time? just leave it to the nature, they will get what back what they give, it's called karma

  5. can put cotton in your ears. ;-)

    You can really do little else. You can not make someone stop this behavior unless you want to take them on. In this case, you must live your own life above reproach, be the example.  This takes a whole lot of energy and then, there is no gaurantee they'll behave better.  

    I sometimes put fingers in both of my ears when people gossip.  They get the message.

  6. yes, gag them.

  7. Ignore them. be completely unfaised by it. Eventually they'll leave you alone if you just show that you don't give a ****.

    It really shouldn't matter what they say anyways if it isn't true.  Just be the bigger person, yeah?

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