
Can i do this.. i need help and BE HONEST!?

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can i get in shape in 2 weeks and get a lot faster if im sore a lot after runnning?




  1. Really depends on what you plan to do and how far from your goal you are. It's never a bad time to start and you will likely at least notice increased energy and clearer skin after exercising and eating properly for this time, so give it a try. To see results, work out for an hour a day whenever you can, doing aerobic exercise like running, walking, hiking, or biking. You should be sweating and breathily heavily enough that you can just barely carry on a conversation. Maintain this state of exertion for 45 minutes to an hour, and you are burning calories and getting in shape. You can do stretches and exercises in addition to aerobic exercise, but do not replace them (unless your other option is not to work out at all) because they only tone up certain muscles, rather than overall. Walking and running tones up many muscles simultaneously and burns calories. A vegetarian diet rich in veggies, fruits, and fiber would be best for you. Good luck!  

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