
Can i download via torrents on college campus?

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ive heard that its not smart to download music video etc. illegally using the college network. is this true and are there ways to get around this?




  1. It's very risky if you do that on a college network.  What I would do is just save your money and look for college discounts.  There are plenty to be had out there.  Especially with Microsoft, Adobe, and many other larger companies offer really good deals for college students!

    The reason it's risky is because it's easier for them to find you.  The college networks I have setup all have each dorm, room, plate labeled with a specific IP net so if you get reported (which you will by many other organizations) they can find you extremely quickly.  Other things is that they often block almost all ports that torrents like running through, so if you do get connected the speed will be awful.

    Take care, and look for the discounts that's the #1 thing I miss,


  2. Some colleges use packet detection technology to block torrenting. Some encryption methods found in clients like Utorrent or Rtorrent can get around this, but some systems are too advanced. Other campuses punt you for a while if you use too much bandwidth, and nearly all at least reserve said right. If you download mainstream content, don't be surprised if MediaDefender is lurking on the torrent. They'll take down your IP number and give it to your college. All kinds of ugliness can ensue, from losing your connection for a week, to signing a butt-kissing pledge, to completing an anti-p****y course which you have to pay for.

    If you want to use Torrents on campus, read about your college's attitudes, use encryption for best results, don't use port 6881, and don't download things the MPAA or RIAA care too much about. EG. L7 good, Rhianna might get you busted. Also, relying on P{eerGuardian is like relying on desicated prophylactics; it might help, but it's more false security than anything.

  3. Each college or university will have its own specific rules about how you may and may not use the college network. I would expect that many schools block usage of torrents and any file sharing program or method that can allow the user to do something illegal (download copyrighted anything, or anything that you are supposed to pay for and are using torrents or other file sharing methods to avoid paying for, in other words, attempting to steal). That is sufficient reason: if the school allows its network to be used in this way, the school as well as the individual student can get sued.

    But there is a second and more important reason: ANYTHING you do that ties up the school network that is NOT related to school work is probably a violation of the school usage standards for students. If you are going to school, and you are paying for your education, and so are however many other students who are attending the school, why should you be allowed to do something that has nothing to do with why you are there (to learn) and interferes with other students' ability to use the network legitimately? So attempting to get around any blocking the school may use could well be a reason for expulsion, if for nothing else because you are being selfish in your use of the network and completely inconsiderate of the other students who are trying to use that network legitimately.

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