
Can i drink alcohol in public if its in a covered flask and not a bottle?

by  |  earlier

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will anyone care if its in a flask? can u be stopped for it if your not acting drunk but just walking around like normal




  1. I'm sure a cop can take a look if you're in a place like a bus or train station where it's illegal. I'm not certain they would though as long as you aren't causing trouble.

  2. Most municipalities have their own legislation regarding drinking in public and very few allow it. The container used has nothing to do with it.  

  3. As far as I know, Las Vegas (where I live) is the only place in the US that open containers are allowed in public.  Otherwise, unless a event is going on, I highly doubt you can take a flask anywhere.  Some events won't let you bring things in like that.  I am assuming your not even 21.

  4. if u don't know, then i'm assuming that you're not of age to drink

  5. nobody will care, but its still against the law..../

  6. yes

  7. no!

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