
Can i drink tonight?

by  |  earlier

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I'm on prozac (anti depressants) and my friends want me to drink tonight and they don't know that i am and i don't want to tell them. What can i do? Can i have a little sipple of rose wine?




  1. why on earth would you want to drink rosé wine?  No is the answer you'd better not because nobody can ever have one sip and you could make yourself ill.  

  2. no you can tell them that alchole is bad for you *wich isnt wrong*

    and if they ask you why ,,tell them that if you drink it you will be annoyed because it messes with your brian chemecils

  3. no its best not to because alcohol effects emotions

    i bet 1 drink wont hurt two is ok probably max and not to big

    I got an idea you can request non ancohol drinks with just the mixes or very light ancohol mix.

  4. Sometimes people are warned to avoid alcohol while taking Prozac (fluoxetine hydrochloride). This is because alcohol and medicines like Prozac act upon similar chemicals in the brain. The concern is that Prozac will increase the effects of alcohol -- whether this means increasing symptoms of depression or affecting motor skills.

    When many healthcare providers are asked whether or not it is okay to drink alcohol while on Prozac, they recommend that people choosing to drink should only drink light to moderate amounts.

    Research shows that one drink is ok to have whilst on prozac. So I guess you can have that glass of wine afterall! :D

    You can order non alcoholic cocktails or even coke. Whos gonna know the difference. Or say you are on antibiotics or something. Your friends probably wouldn't care about the anti-depressants anyway. They would probably give you support. Maybe you could tell them the truth. Whatever you decide.....have fun.

  5. Avoid drinking alcohol, which can increase some of the side effects of Prozac.  

  6. i wouldnt if i was you just tell your friends your on pain relife or somthing if you dont want to tell them the real reason  

  7. nop

  8. A couple sips wont hurt you, but do not drink much.

  9. Have a look at the side effects leaflet that is with your pills and see if it suggests that you do not use alcohol whilst on the medication. I would think that one or two drinks would be OK but be aware that drinking alcohol can cause you to become low.  

  10. Don't drink. But have virgin drinks like a virgin Daiquiri or what ever else you want to drink. Say your be the designated driver. They can't drink.

  11. Yes, you can..but your Sipple will not equal their Sipple.

    Your Sipple will have a much harder effect - good in the beginning but bad when your Violently Vomiting.

    Remember this when your vomiting later.

  12. alcohol brings out the worst in people from being truthful to over emotional, avoid alcohol if you are on anti depressants

  13. i think that drinking while on any medication would be risky, call the doctor from whom prescribed you the pill and ask first.  

  14. i have this same kind of problem. I had many events that i would kind of have to avoid, and look like a bit of a wimp because i was not supposed to drink to much with the anxiety pill, i was taking every night. But hey it really depends on how strong your dosage is i think. I was on meds and it said not to drink, but at times like prom night and the weekend after its preety hard not to. I will have few beers occasionally and some hard liquor but try to either take a few hours off before i take my meds or not take the med that day at all. For u i'd say a little sip is no problem.

  15. It is advised that you shouldn't.

    Just keep in mind, alcohol can lower mood too.

    Take care.  :)


    PLEASE check the link I have given before you even consider drinking with those pills.

  16. You're not supposed to drink while taking Prozac.  Tell them you aren't in the mood to drink <-- you don't have to tell them that you're on medication.
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