
Can i drive me friend's car if he has just bought a 3rd party insurance?

by  |  earlier

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i have got a full UK licence so can I drive me friend's car if his car has just got a 3rd party insurance and not a comprehensive insurance.




  1. It's got nothing to do with 3rd party or comprehensive.

    The question is, does his policy allow other drivers, or is he only allowed to drive it himself?

    If he is the only named driver then you need to be covered by your insurance.

  2. Your name must be listed as a potential driver on his insurance plan for you to legally drive his car.

  3. Don't be driving ANYTHING unless YOU have a VALID CERTIFICATE with that cars' REGISTRATION NUMBER on it!!!

       Simple really.  And they have heard all the excuses.  they don't care, they just punish.  A fine, a ban, possibly scrapping the car, and points on your licence WHEN you get it back, and then the insurance companies sting you a penalty premium for the next FIVE YEARS.

    So, only drive what you are DIRECTLY covered for.  Or drive around with three million quid in a suitcase.

  4. Kev's mistaken. You need your own insurance, unless he has particular clauses to allow other people to drive his car (these are usually only found in contracts for private hire vehicles, etc).

    His insurance will allow him to drive other people's cars on third-party only. It has nothing to do with anyone (other htan him) driving his own car.

  5. comprehensive insurance is irrelevant. If you lend out your car you lend out your insurance. Unless you live at the same address you do not need to be insured to drive his car.

    If you got pulled over in his car, you are not going to be asked for your insurance, you're going to be asked for the insurance for that car...

  6. If your name isn't under his insurance, you better be real careful with his car.  If you are the driver, and you get into an at-fault accident, then he's the one who's gonna have to pay for it. Since you don't have your own insurance, his insurance will cover it, but then his premium will go up because you won't be able to pay them back for the damages without having insurance.  Even if he wasn't driving, it'll affect him because he should've known not to have an uninsured person driving his car.

    If it was someones fault for the accidnent and not you, then you might be lucky since his car is insured by him, and the guilty party is going to have to pay for the damages.  But you don't want to gamble with your friends car, because if you wreck it and its your fault, he might sue you to pay up for the damages and the difference in his premium.

  7. You will only be covered to drive his car if you are added as a named driver to his policy. Once your friend has done this for you (which he will have to do if he wants you to drive it legally) it isn't a problem for you to drive the car as long as you have your friends permission. Even if your friend had fully comp insurance you would still have to be added as a named driver. You will not be able to drive your friends car (legally) without that happening!

  8. Great website, resourceful,user-friendly should be able to answer your questions.

  9. Generally speaking, in the UK, 3rd party insurance covers the named policy holder only.

    You'd need to check his specific policy.

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