
Can i drive my mustang in the rain?

by  |  earlier

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i just bought a 95 mustang, and i have herd its a very bad car to drive in the rain. It has had me pretty scared to even try it. does anyone know exactly how dangerous it is to drive this car in rain?




  1. Very dangerous............put some sand bags in the truck just in case you need some extra traction..

  2. yes ---easy on the accelerater

  3. I drove my friend's Mustang...and yes, they are a handful because of the tires.  If you have a V6, then I bet you don't have the ZR rated performance tires and it should be fine.

  4. Years ago, most cars had rear wheel drive. Now, though, most cars have front wheel drive.

    Come off the brake and allow your mustang to move forward in Drive, and then get the feel of the accelerator so you can control the car.

    Mustangs are known for very sensitive steering too.

    Get to know the car you are driving, and then you will learn to control that car in all types of weather.

    Tires also play a big part. Make sure you have adequate tires for summer/winter driving and that the inflation is properly done too.

    In rain, there is less traction between your tires and the road surface due to the water and the mix of water/oil/rubber etc. which lays on the road surface during rainstorms.

    Your speed and condition of your tires may also cause you to "hydroplane". This means you are travelling too fast, your tires are in poor condition and there is too much water on the road. The tires are riding on the water instead of the road and you will feel a "floating" sensation. Just coming off the accelerator and keeping your steering straight should cause your car to come back down to the road surface again. Don't brake though because it will throw your vehicle off track and you could lose control.

    We all have to pay attention to the weather, the road surface and the traffic whenever we drive. After all, you are the captain of your ship and will suffer any consequences as a result of your actions.  THINK AND DRIVE

  5. It's not really 'dangerous' it's just the Mustangs with V8 engines have a tendency to fishtail in the rain due to the high amount of power to the rear end.

    You just have to be VERY careful on the accelerator and you'll be fine.

  6. are you kidding me?

    it's only dangerous if you don't know how to drive...

    if you can't drive a mustang in the rain, you don't deserve to have a license....

    (I've driven camaros, mustangs, corvettes, gtos and other high horsepower-low weight vehicles through blizzards before, a v-6 mustang in the rain is a cakewalk)

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