
Can i drop out of school on my own because im pregnant and i will have a baby in dec.?

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my mom wont sign me out of school so i was wondering can i drop out on my own because im a mommy?




  1. NO.... dont drop out when my mom was pregnant she whent to a special class for it were if your haveing a baby and feel out of place in your school then you go to this school with other pregnant girls.....

  2. nope..unless you are really sick, i would suggest trying to go as far as you can in school, then pick up where you left off after having the baby. good Luck

  3. your mom is doing what is best for you. High school dropout mother's tend to have a harder time with an infant child.

  4. No being pregnant doesnt change that you are under aged.  And you shouldnt drop out anyways. Do you know how many pregnant teens there are out there? Do you really want to end up working @ McDonalds for the rest of your life? You need to stay in school, and get an education so you can take care of that baby & yourself.  You have a responsability now.

  5. Why would you drop out of school? Are you planning to support the baby by working at McDonalds all your life? At least finish school, for you and the baby's sake. Be responsible.

  6. I would think really hard about droping out of school.

    You need a HS degree just to work at Mcdonalds! Where would you work? How would you provide for your child?

    You would be just another sad teenage walfare mom who everyone looks down their nose at. Also, your child would have the same stigma. No one likes teenage mom babies because society feels that they support the b******s with their tax money. Which is true in your case if you drop out.

    Good luck sponging off the government.

  7. no you cant. unless you are 18, your mother still makes major choices for you. you need to have her sign that slip. if you really want to drop out, which i dont suggest, just talk to her and tell her your not comfortable. she will probably make you go, which in the long run, is better for you. you need to think about your future.

  8. hi how old r u? r u sure that u could take care of the child. how about ur child's dad? bringing up a child is not an easy task. just think one again....................

  9. I suggest you should not drop out school and try to take as much as class as you can before you give birth on December. I understand your mom's position for not signing you out of school. I'm sure you know that she's looking after you, you'll know the feeling once you have the baby.

    Good luck!

  10. how old are you?  what school?  high school or college?  you can legally drop out of high school at age 16, but i don't recommend it.  finish high school if you haven't already.  if you're in college, your campus probably has a day care center and other ways to help you out with your baby.  talk to a counselor about your options.  your mom probably just wants you to get a good education.  it will really be best for you and your baby down the line.

  11. Nope, being a mommy doesn't make you an adult.

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