
Can i drop out??

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am 16 i live in south carolina my mom is willing to sign me out i have been getting sick alot and am unable to keep going to school and keep up with the work ! I have been to the doctor and they will not put me on homebound what can i do please help!!!!!!

I have signed up to get my ged but i cant do that until im 17!




  1. gurl dont not drop out, i am telling u do not every quitt on ure self... get everything togther as much as u can... if u need anykind help let me know.....goodluck

  2. dont be a quitter,, i didnt finish school and I got my GED at 16,, but I still regret it because its not the same as a diploma... just stay.... in Illinois, they have this program called Lincolns challenge where you can get your ged at 16... it's in rantoul, IL,,,,,

  3. no, try  harder if problems tell the teacher

  4. What is the illness that keeps you from going to school?  If this is a chronic condition and you expect to be out for lengthy stretches at a time, you may be able to qualify for a 504 plan or an IEP, which will give you accommodations which would allow you more time and possibly even shorter assignments.  A doctor will have to certify to this in order to do this.

    I know two kids who have IEP's due to similar situations.

  5. I'm going to go against the grain here and tell you to do what your heart tells you is best. If you really can't hack it in school, and your mother is willing to let your explore other options then go for it.

    The problem with schools, particlarly public ones, is that they push everyone through a one size fits all system. This creates an underclass of students being dragged through the system, who are either struggling because they have different learning styles, or refuse to conform to the system. They're cold, rigid, and intellectually stifiling places to spend your time in. I know I've been there. I nearly dropped out of highschool myself. The only reason I didn't was because I found a great group of friends to associate with. Together we laughed, cried, and poked fun of all the uptight teachers and administrators. They made my senior year the best year of my life.

    If you choose to drop out of highschool the world is not going to cave in on itself. There will still be options for you. Any community college will accept a GED, and all of them have remedial classes for you to catch up in. Despite how much those schools get bashed, some of them are as good if not better than four year colleges. Half of all college students go to community colleges for a reason. It's the same quality education for half the price. And once you graduate college, whether with an associates or a bachelors, no one will care whether or not you graduated highschool.

  6. man don't omg Ur gana end up to be a no one u have a life to finish man u could be Albert Einstein if u found ur thing but without grades and high school u wont get a chance or a job to show off ur skills u Want to work on minimum wage go ahead but ur ruining ur life people walk into MC Donald or bk or walmart and u see old people there they say they could Had life but man its flew right out no excuses is good enough for dropping outta school u cant even be a manager at bk if u don't go an education
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