
Can i dye my hair Bleach Blonde again? Pleaseee Help!!?

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Last week i had the top of my hair dyed bleach blonde ,, it didnt turn out as blonde as i wanted,, could i do it again?

And the bottom of my hair (Which i dyed a light brown) over a year ago now , i want that dyed bleach blonde too, would it turn out okayy?

and pleaseee dont tell me to go to a salon, my aunty is a hairdresser and if i could ask her this question now i would but i cant at the moment so,, pleasee Helpp (:




  1. yes it would work, like how you did it before

    no worries!

  2. yeah go ahead

    ive bleached my hair 3 times in the same day before

    unless your hair is brittle or dry to begin with

    as long as you get a box of bleach with the conditioner you use afterwards ... it will be fine.

    i just used the conditioner that came with the bleach normally like i would regular bleach in the shower and my hair felt softer if anything ...

    it never got dryer at all

    buuuut sometimes bleaching it again doesnt make it any blonder

    you might want to get a toner to put over it

    toner takes the yellow out of bleach blonde

    so thats what i suggest

  3. I would NOT proceed with re-bleach if I were you as it has only been a week and when you bleach your hair you are stripping all the moisture and natural oils from your hair - to do it again this quickly you will damage it to the point of breaking and then you'll end up with really short hair.

    If i were you, i would wait another week and do some deep conditioning treatments prior to re-bleaching it....then do it all at once.

    Good Luck

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