
Can i eat salmon twice in a week?

by  |  earlier

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I am having salmon tonite but i have left overs and want it for lunch tomorrow would it hurt me if i do that?




  1. provided you remember to put it in the fridge overnight it is fine

  2. Only if it's wild salmon.  Try googling "farmed salmon."   It's pretty gross.  There are all sorts of toxins in them.  And they aren't even salmon colored!  They have to color them artificially.  It's gross.

  3. I believe you could eat salmon all week and it wouldn't hurt you.

  4. i dont see why not.

    It is healthy,and also good "brain" food.

  5. no its fine you are supposed to eat fish a few times a week as its good for your hair,nails and skin and of course it tastes delicious

  6. yes you can eat it twice a week for sure no dought  

  7. Sure. Salmon is the healthiest fish you can eat. Have it as much as you want.

  8. yes it is okay

  9. Salmon is extremely healthy to eat, and is not one of the fish that has high concentrates of mercury.  The natural fats in salmon will help lower eating it a few times a week is just fine

  10. Salmon is great for you, so is most other fish, so eat it as often as you like.

  11. sure if you want to

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